ASU Area of Greatest Need
ASU Area of Greatest Need

Learn more about your impact
ASU has long been committed to reaching and serving people at scale. In this time of unprecedented crisis, ASU is committed to leveraging that strength to serve as many people as possible as quickly as possible. When you give to our area of greatest need, you enable us to provide meaningful and rapid support to our fellow community members.
When you support ASU's area of greatest need, you assist students, faculty and staff with urgent life circumstances. You aid children experiencing learning disruptions and those who lack the online infrastructure for distance learning. You support individuals experiencing economic impacts from work closures. You support scientists conducting vaccine research and educators advancing health and well-being.

The culture of a major, research-driven public university in the United States has been inextricably and forever altered to be focused on the success of the student and the success of the community. Every asset of the individuals at ASU, every ounce of energy that they have, is devoted to those two things."
Impact of Donor Support
Serving our community
Because of you, ASU will be able to rapidly meet the most pressing needs of its community

Many of these students have gone home where they are successful entrepreneurs, corporate executives, venture capitalists, impact investors and senior government officials. The come home with a powerful American business education taught in a culturally sensitive environment, and respectful of the nuances of our cultural differences."